To conclude...

As I mentioned in my first post, coming into this second semester and this cinematography and production design module I had little to no confidence in myself in terms of editing and my abilities. For tasks throughout first year, I always took the easy approach, that would guarantee average results every time, but I never learnt anything, which is what this course is all about. Coming into second year I wanted to change this way of seeing things and just push myself, and try things I didn't try last year. I knew I may end up work that wasn't particularly great, which last year would have bugged me, but my mindset this year was that I wanted to try risky work, and if it pulls off then I can be thankful I took the risk, and if it failed, then ultimately I have learnt a lesson in that area and for future reference I will know what and what not to do as a result. Put simply, I wanted to finish this module more confident in myself and more confident with taking risks, rather than just doing basic scenes with flat footage and getting predictable feedback that is little to no use to me.

My development in terms of general knowledge regarding cinematography itself, the terminology, meanings, processes, construction has improved vastly. Rather than putting together a scene because it "looks nice" like I used too, I always have a reason for constructing a scene now, be that using an extended long take in order to create suspense, or using different angles to convey different meaning. Rather than my work being one layered, my vastly improved knowledge on cinematography, from the conceptual tools, to the camera linguistics - there are multiple layers and meanings which can be unpicked and analysed, which I believe is a key part of cinematography and production design. 

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